Apartment rentals for young students in Barcelona
Erasmus, Masters, Doctorates, Postgraduates, interns...Welcome to Barcelona!
A new course is approaching and perhaps an exciting year in a new city. If in a few days you are going to move to study in Barcelona, and you don't know where to start, we are going to tell you how to prepare this exciting stage. If you're reading this article because you're looking for student accommodation in Barcelona, congratulations! We're going to tell you those details you can't miss, to make sure you've chosen the best place to live in your next stage as a student in Barcelona.
Our student flats in Barcelona are the best option to make you feel at home; they are modern and functional design flats, designed exclusively for students like you, who choose Barcelona to develop their university career; in addition, you will have the opportunity to live with other international students who are at your very moment of life.
Our recommendation, if you are looking for a student flat in Barcelona, is that you arrive at least two or three weeks before the start of your classes, in this way you will be able to meet not only your flat mates, but also your adventures and misadventures, satisfactions, disappointments, laughs, trips, nightlife, and hard afternoons of study and nervous days before exams.
In our student flats in Barcelona we assure you a personalized treatment and personal assistance, which will make your stay easier and help you to resolve any doubts or problems that may arise during your stay.
The location of our student flats is strategic, they are well communicated by public transport with your University or School; something fundamental and that will allow you to save a lot of time. To be comfortable you also need a large room, a bed with a mattress where you rest placidly, do not cut yourself in trying the bed when you visit one of our floors, only this way you will guarantee a good rest! The room has natural light and the necessary furniture to study, a large table and a comfortable chair suitable for long hours sitting or sitting in it. Of course, there is a high-speed WIFI connection, but there is also a cable connection on your desk.
You should also familiarize yourself with the city, and above all, with the neighborhood where your student flat is located, locate the nearest pharmacy, the supermarket best suited to my needs, or even if there is a gym, in case you want to practice a sport in Barcelona; and don't forget to do a little tourism and fix on the map all those "essential" points that you can't stop visiting and to which you can schedule a visit in the coming days, or months.
I think that we do not leave any essential when we talk about renting flats for young students in Barcelona.
Request a visit to any of our student flat in Barcelona.