What are the best times of day to study?

¿Cuáles son las mejores horas del día para estudiar?

What are the best times of day to study?

We know university life isn’t easy: exams, assignments, parties (because you’ve got to have fun too), and endless responsibilities. And in the middle of all that, you’ve probably asked yourself: when’s the best time to get some studying done?

Don’t worry, at Vanguard Student Housing we’re here to help. We’re not going to tell you to study all day, but we will suggest making the most of your peak concentration times! Let’s break down which times of the day (or night) might work best for you, depending on your rhythm.

1. Morning: Starting the day right

If you’re one of those rare individuals who wakes up fresh as a daisy at 6 AM, congrats, because mornings are a great time to study. Your brain is fresh out of the oven (after a good night’s sleep, of course), and it’s the perfect time to soak up what you’re reading or learning.

Why study in the morning?

  • No one’s going to disturb you (everyone’s still asleep at that time).
  • Your mind is super focused, great for tackling tough subjects.
  • You’ll get it out of the way and have the rest of the day free to do whatever you want.

If you love morning coffee and absolute silence, those early hours are your best bet.

2. Mid-morning: Prime time to focus

If getting up early sounds like science fiction to you, don’t worry. 10 AM to 12 PM is still a great time to study. You’re awake, the coffee’s kicked in, and you’re not overwhelmed with information yet.

Advantages of studying at this time:

  • You’ve got enough energy without feeling groggy.
  • Good time for group work (everyone’s awake by now).
  • Ideal for subjects that need some focus but aren’t too intense.

If you have classes around this time, make the most of your breaks or squeeze in some study sessions between them.

3. Afternoon: Nap Time… or Not

Let’s be honest, after lunch, everyone’s thinking about a nap, right? But if you’re someone who can stay active in the afternoon, this can be a great time to tackle lighter tasks, like reviewing notes or prepping for a class.

Why study in the afternoon?

  • You take advantage of the fact that there’s less noise (or everyone’s half asleep).
  • Great time for doing something more chill without too much pressure.
  • You’re halfway through the day, so you don’t need as much energy.

Just be careful not to doze off over your books. A short nap is fine, but don’t lose the whole afternoon to it.

4. Evening: When ideas flow

If you’re more of a night person, late afternoon into the evening might be your perfect study window. From 6 PM to 9 PM, many people hit their peak creativity. It’s a great time to push through projects, read, or even plan out the week.

Advantages of studying in the evening:

  • Fewer distractions—everyone’s doing their own thing.
  • Your brain starts to wind down, perfect for organizing ideas.
  • If you have night-owl friends, you can study together!

The key is not leaving everything until the evening, but if it works for you, go for it!

5. For the Brave: The night owls’ zone

For the true night owls, the hours between 10 PM and 2 AM can be super productive. The stillness of the night helps you focus, and if staying up late doesn’t bother you, this could be your ideal study time.

Why study late at night?

  • Complete silence, no interruptions.
  • If you’re a night person, this is your prime time.
  • You can dive into creative tasks or solve problems that seemed impossible during the day.

Just remember not to burn out by staying up super late every night. Sleep is important, don’t forget that!

Find your best study time

Everyone’s different, so try out different times and find what works best for you. If you’re someone who needs a routine, create a schedule that fits your day and make the most of your most productive hours.

At Vanguard Student Housing, we’re here to support you in finding your perfect study rhythm and living your best university life!